Dry Eyes

Common Cause of Dry Eyes
A lack of tears, improper lubrication, or tears draining too quickly from the eye result in a common condition known as Dry Eye.
Aging: As we age, tear production decreases. Men and women of any age can be affected, however, after menopause and during pregnancy women are especially susceptible.
Contact Lenses: Wearing contact lenses often increases tear evaporation that can result in irritation, increased protein deposits, infection, and pain. Dry eye has been shown to be the leading cause of contact lens discomfort.
Environment: Exposure to various environments can reduce eye lubrication. These include sunny, dry or windy conditions; heaters, dehumidifiers, fans or air conditioning; sand, dust or pollen, smoke, high altitudes; work environment ond prolonged computer use.
Medications: A variety of medications reduce tear secretion. Some common examples are decongestants, antihistamines, sleeping pills, beta-blockers, antidepressants, diuretics, pain relievers and alcohol.
Auto Immune Disease: Auto Immune Disease accompanied by a dry mouth and dry eyes is called Sjogren's Syndrome.
Surgery: Surgical procedres can disrupt the production of tears or the balance between Constant and Reflex tears. Post-surgical dry eye is almost always temporary.
Computer Syndrome: Information coming soon.

Artificial Tears: Artificial fears are typically the first treatment for Dry Eye Disease. There are many different artificial tears available, so it is important lo consult your doctor as to which prescription is most appropriate for your eyes.
Punctal Plugs: Patients with Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye may require punctol occlusion. Small silicone plugs are inserted into the puncla, thereby blocking tear drainage from the eye and increasing the volume of tears in the eye.
Nutrition & Lid Hygiene: Diet is an important consideration in dry eye patients. Many Americans do not have sufficient Omega 3s in their diet. Supplementation with medical grade fish oil has been proven to improve patients symptoms and clinical findings in dry eye patients. Additionally. many dry eye patients need lo maintain the health of the ocular surface with the use of a daily lid cleansing routine lo keep the Meibomian Glands free of obstruction.
Prokera Amniotic Membrane: Patients with moderate to severe dry eye may have persistent damage to the corneal surface. These patients will likely benefit from treatment with a Prokera Amniotic Membrane. Donated amniotic tissue is held in place over the cornea with a small ring for several days. This tissue promotes corneal healing and can keep even severely dry eyes comfortable for months after removal.
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